2024-09-11 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse 10

Our systems have been showing an outage at our connections at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse 10 in Geislingen an der Steige since Wednesday, September 11th.

We received the first report from a resident on September 12, 2024, at 11:42 AM.

Without such a report, we cannot take action because there can be many reasons for the outage of our connections, like construction work in the building or on the street, or other reasons for a power cut.

In the past, we have gone to sites unnecessarily with fully configured replacement devices, so we no longer respond without a report from a resident.

Since we cannot access the building and the technical rooms in the basement without the help of a janitor, no repairs have been possible yet.

We will try again today to fix the issue.

Update 10 AM: The janitor was reached and turned the power off and on again. Everything is back online. The availability and accessibility of janitors is very important!
A big thank you to the janitor for his help – he saved us over two hours of driving time.

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