Eugenstrasse new hardware 2021

We will replace some hardware today.

We will wait till 1:30 pm to interfere as little as possible with your courses.

The new hardware will not allow the usage of access points and repeaters any more, but we can offer you a workaround till end of semester.
Just contact us, after consulting the tutorial for Wi-Fi.

Geislingen better Hardware June 2021

We will arrive at 4pm and start installing the hardware.

Today is the only possible day to do this kind of work, if it is inconvenient, sorry.

The dorms in the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse will be offline twice for a maximum of 10 minutes each.

If just your room stays offline after that, contact us immediately over the contact form. We`ll stay in Geislingen for a while for cases like that.
(Give us a phone number and answer the call from the blocked number, that’s us!)