Upgrade Schwerzstrasse 1

We need to make some unplanned changes to our hardware in your basement.

We can start working from 6 PM in Hohenheim.

Your internet will be down while we work, but we’ll finish by 10 PM. After that, all rooms will be back online, and the speed will be increased to 1 GBit from the previous 100 MBit. You can check the speed by running our speedtest.


Pestalozzistraße 67 – Netz-AK

Good morning!

Yesterday, 07. of March 2023, we were able to complete the wiring at about 20 o’clock.

We had started around 18:30. So if during that time “the internet was gone”, it was because there was no cable connected at our end.

Starting from the upper floors, you should have come back online when plugged in. We finished at 8pm.

In your rooms the left, oddly labelled network socket should work now.

Until yesterday, some rooms were unsystematically missing its wiring and we didn’t know which room was connected where.

Normally we announce maintenance work longer in advance, but this time it was urgent.

Please contact us if you have any problems!

Your volunteers of the Netz-AK (short for Netzwerk Arbeitskreis = Network Work-group)

A warm welcome to the Pestalozzistraße 67!

The dormitory will be opened today and as far as we know it will go online over our network.

Unfortunately this morning we still don’t know when that will be and are waiting for the go of the StuWe technicians.

However, you are right next to the university with plenty of internet and the other dorms are all online, too.

Get to know your new neighbours, the internet will reach you soon.

As soon as the network is at your house, it works like everywhere else: You plug in your own router and create your own little network with WiFi.

Please use our tutorials and don’t buy too expensive devices (never over 40€!), but also nothing outdated to save 5 €.

Just read the tutorials!  😉

See you around
your volunteers of the Netz-AK (short for Netzwerk Arbeitskreis = Network Work-group)

Partial outage Egilolfstraße 49 & 51 2022-12-28

Today we exchanged a damaged network switch in Hohenheim. The outage affected around 24 connections. During replacement, the connected houses in Chausseefeld and Welfenstraße were also briefly offline.

Unfortunately another device failed during restart. We can only exchange this device tomorrow on December 29th, 2022. Until then around 24 connections will be offline in Egilolfstraße.

Hohenheim 2022-12-11

On Sunday we will be doing some work in Hohenheim.

You could be offline for at max 30/45 minutes at a time, but no longer.

Please contact us, if you have problems, we’ll wait “only” one hour in Hohenheim after we finished working.

Work will be between 11am and 5 pm on Sunday 11th of December.

Update Sunday 3 pm: Egilofstrasse shoud be up and running now. If you are still offline, reboot router and if that does not help, contact us!

Egilolfstraße 45 Sept 2022

Since 22.09.2022 the following rooms are offline.

Room: 201, 202, 203, 204, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229

The Netz-AK has no keys to the building and can not help you.

We did inform the Studierendenwerk.


Update 29.09.2022:
Together with the Hohenheim IT we could fix the problem, but the hardware has to be replaced soon.
We have access to the buildings again.

Update 05.10.2022:
There was a power out this night and some more ports were damaged. The hardware will be replaced soon.

Eugenstrasse new hardware 2021

We will replace some hardware today.

We will wait till 1:30 pm to interfere as little as possible with your courses.

The new hardware will not allow the usage of access points and repeaters any more, but we can offer you a workaround till end of semester.
Just contact us, after consulting the tutorial for Wi-Fi.

Geislingen better Hardware June 2021

We will arrive at 4pm and start installing the hardware.

Today is the only possible day to do this kind of work, if it is inconvenient, sorry.

The dorms in the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse will be offline twice for a maximum of 10 minutes each.

If just your room stays offline after that, contact us immediately over the contact form. We`ll stay in Geislingen for a while for cases like that.
(Give us a phone number and answer the call from the blocked number, that’s us!)