Some of you did build their own WiFi in a way that blocked the internet access of others in our house. Using access points or repeaters to create a WiFi is not allowed in our network, because it keeps others from getting online.
Only routers are allowed to build your own WiFi, as we stated in our manual. We stared enforcing this rule in all our dormitories because it`s necessary.
To get you back online as quick as possible, please look up your device in our manual. Is it marked “ja”, you can just configure it in router mode and you are online again. If you are not successful, you can contact us using the contact form and the subject “Creating a WiFi”.
If your WiFi device is marked “nein” and you contact us, we will try to find a solution for the time you need to replace the device.
Contact and announcements
NetzAK_Aushang_Stand_WS2020 should be displayed in the entrance of your house.
The Netz-AK is announcing all its changes to the dormitory network on its website.
For us it`s important to have latest version of the notice in our dormitory, so you can reach us directly with no delay.
If the notice is missing, you could just print it yourself and pin it in the entrance to you house or you contact your dormitory administrator and ask them to do it.
We are aware of the problem that some old versions of our notice are not getting replaced. You must report the problem to your administrator at the Studierendenwerk to hopefully improve the situation.
If you contact us using the contact form, most problems can be fixed in a few hours as long as you are in the dormitory and respond to our emails.
Because we are volunteers, we are never off duty and we respond quickly.
As volunteers we are using our private phones, that`s why we call from blocked/ private/ anonymous numbers, so please just answer these calls after reporting an issue.